Oh Hello there

Here I am reminding myself of life in the early Aughts by writing a blog! Nostalgia over a specific digital medium feels very Millennial.  


I am Lacey Grey! Emerging Artist residing in Treaty 7 of so-called Canada. At the time of this writing, I can see the end of my fine arts degree in the not-so-distant future, and it has set me off into a dreamy space of imagining what my Artist life post-university will look like. I have a feeling the experience will be layered and a bit unexpected.  

This blog space will be a grey area. I plan to use it to share personal thoughts and experiences, especially as they relate to art and creation. I hope to share about the research side of my artistic practice- getting into what I am reading and looking at. An incredible amount of thought and feelings go into what I do in my work, sometimes I am sad that people don’t know all the bits and pieces that go into each project. I am hoping that sharing some of this will give added depth for those viewing my work and that the written processing will also help me to continue to learn about creation, myself, and the world...Etc. Etc. Etc.  

I am hoping to maintain this as a very authentic space. Often when art crosses over with capitalism, undercurrents of “influence,” branding, and marketing sneak into the way spaces like this function, rather than all that I would like more of a digital scrapbook vibe, or an archive of my experience, a virtual behind the scenes and hopeful invitation into further connection. Many creatives can relate to the experience of creating to post about it online, or the creation of the work is through the lenses of who and why they will see it, I know those types of thoughts played a role in my earlier blog life, but I will be approaching this as the “capturing” of things already happening, not creating so that I can capture it here. 

In addition to sharing my own practice, I will highlight experiences with local art of all kinds and of all levels, I hate that there is a hierarchy in how we look at art, so this label of “levels” is not to re-enforce that dynamic but to establish that I will actively be looking outside of it. I'm interested in what can be learned from art, the way it can foster new thoughts, evoke emotion, and capture history... and I’m excited to capture some of that here.

I will end this post with a final bit of gutter poetry (which one day I will define) I wrote for a project earlier this semester. 


I humbly believe I have something to offer this world 

And I firmly believe that you do to 

I want to know what you know, and if I don’t understand  

I hope you still feel safe 

I want you to know what I know and if you don’t understand  

I hope you still make space.  


F*ck it, I’m a flower